Re-Pre-Board Examination of BBS Fourth Year 2079
Date: 2079/10/10
This is to notify to all the concerned students that the Re-Pre-Board Examination 2079 of BBS fourth year is going to be conducted according to the following schedule.
Shift: Morning Time: 7.00 – 10.00 am.
Level |
Date |
2079-10-15 |
2079-10-17 |
2079-10-19 |
2079-10-22 |
2079-10-24 |
BBS 4th year |
Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (MGT 220) |
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FIN 250) / Fundamentals of Selling (MKT 250) |
Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions (FIN 252) / Fundamentals of Advertising (MKT 253) |
Fundamentals of Investment (FIN 253) / Fundamentals of Services Marketing (MKT 254) |
Business Research Methods (MGT 221) |
Ramesh Chandra Paudel
Campus Chief