Mid-Term Exam of BCA 2nd, BScCSIT 2nd and Pre Board Exam of BCA 3rd Semester 2080
Date: 2080/05/22
This is to notify to all the students that Mid-Term Examination of BCA & BScCSIT Second Semester and Pre-Board Examination of BCA Third Semester is going to be conducted according to the following schedule.
Exam Time: 7.00 – 10.00 AM
Level/Date | 2080/06/02 | 2080/06/04 | 2080/06/05 | 2080/06/07 | 2080/06/08 |
BCA Third Semester | CACS 201 Data Structure & Algorithm | CACS 202 Probability and Statistics | CACS 203 System Analysis and Design | CACS 204 Object Oriented Programming in Java | CACS 205 Web Technology |
BCA Second Semester | CACS 151 C Programming | CACS 152 Financial Accounting | CAEN 153 English II | CAMT 154 Mathematics II | CACS 155 Microprocessor and Computer Architecture |
BScCSIT Second Semester | CSC 165 Discrete Structure | CSC 166 Object Oriented Programming | CSC 167 Microprocessor | MTH 168 Mathematics II | STA 169 Statistics I |
Important Notes:
- The arrival time is 15 minutes before commencement of exam. Students will not be considered in exam after 15 minutes of commencement time.
- Mobile, Laptop, Programming Calculator, any electronic devises or any type of reading materials are strictly prohibited in exam.
- Students must bring their belongings (like pen, pencil, sharpener, eraser, calculator, ruler or any things) by themselves. It is strictly prohibited to use other's belongings during exam.
- Student must attend exam with mask, sanitizer, own water bottle and other necessary things to maintain health standard.
- Everyone is responsible to create the exam environment peaceful. Students can make attention to invigilator just by standing up to request anything they require such as additional answer sheets, water, short leave, depart from exam etc.
- Students cannot leave exam hall in first hour. Students may take short leave for maximum five minutes from second hour of exam. Students cannot take short leave at the last 15 minutes of exam time.
- Students must attempt all question's answer. Students cannot leave exam hall before two third of total exam time. (i.e. 1 hour 20 minutes for 2 hours exam and 2 hours for 3 hours exam)
- The fund generated from absent and re-exam fine will used in student welfare in different heading.
- The marks of exam will be carried forward to internal marks of university.
- Any breach of exam rules and regulations will be treated as indiscipline action.
- Students must attain in exam with their identity card.
- Students must appear in college dress throughout the exam.
Ramesh Chandra Paudel
Campus Chief