MA Sociology First and Third Semester Internal Examination 2078
Department of Sociology
Date: 2078/11/12
This is to notify to all the Master’s Degree Sociology Students that the college is conducting Internal Evaluation Test from 22 Falgun 2078. All concerned students are advised to prepare accordingly and take the test without failure. In case of absence, the absentee/s will be charged Rs 1000 (Rs 200 each subject) and take reexamination.
Exam Time: 7:00-9:00 AM
Date |
First Semester |
Third Semester |
2078-11-22 |
So 561 Introduction to Sociology |
So 581 World-System Perspective |
2078-11-23 |
So 562 Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology |
So 582 Basic Statistics in Sociological Research |
2078-11-25 |
So 563 Structural Functional Approach |
So 583 Sociology of Gender |
2078-11-26 |
So 564 Caste and Class |
So 584 Identity, Inequality and Intersectionality |
2078-11-27 |
So 565 Theories of Social Change and Development |
So 587 Power Leadership, Governmentality, and Development |
Bhim Raj Sigdel
Department of Sociology
N.B. The exam is mandatory and covers 40 marks final evaluation.