First Term Examination of Bachelor First and Second Year and Pre-Board Examination of Bachelor Third Year 2078

28 Mangsir 2078



This is to notify to all the students that First Term Examination 2078 of Bachelor's Level first & second year and Pre-Board Examination 2078 of Bachelor's Level third year is going to be held according to the following schedule.


Shift: Morning

Time: 7.00 – 10.00 am.











BA 1st year


Compulsory English

(CEng 401)

Introduction to Sociology

(So 421)


Introduction to Social Work

(SW 421)

Dynamics of Nepali Society

(So 422)

Basic Sociology for Social Work

(SW 422)

Introduction to Mass Media and Communication

(JMC 421)

Principles and Practices of Journalism

(JMC 422)

Reading, Writing, and Thinking

(Eng 421)

History of English Literature and Criticism

(Eng 422)

BA 2nd year


Compulsory Nepali

(CNep 402)

Sociological Theories

(So 423)


Basic Psychology for Social Work

(SW 423)

Research Methods in Sociology

(So 424)


Social Case Work Practice

(SW 424A),

Social Work Practice with Groups

(SW 424B)

Media History, Law and Ethics

(JMC 423)

Basics of Media Research

(JMC 424)

Prose: Essays and Short Stories

(Engl 423)

Reading and Responding to Poetry

(Engl 424)


BA 3rd year


Nepali Patrakarita (Nep 316)


Development Perspectives in Social Work

(BSW 316)


Research Methods in Sociology

(So 404)


Social Welfare Administration

(BSW 314)

Sociology of Democracy, Diversity and Inequality (So 405)


Research Methods in Social Work (BSW 315)

Public Relations, Advertising and Media Issues

(JMC 314)

Radio Journalism

(JMC 315)


(Eng 314)

Critical Thinking, Practical Criticism

(Eng 315)


BBS 1st year

Business English

(MGT 201)

Business Statistics

(MGT 202)

Microeconomics for Business

(MGT 207)

Financial Accounting and Analysis

(MGT 211)

Principles of Management

(MGT 213)



BBS 2nd year


Business Communication

(MGT 205)

Macroeconomics for Business

(MGT 209)

Cost and Management Accounting

(MGT 212)

Fundamentals of Financial Management

(MGT 215)

Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management

(MGT 223)



BBS 3rd year


Business Law

(MGT 204)

Fundamental of Financial Management

(MGT 215)

Business Environment and Strategy Management

(MGT 217)

Fundamental of Taxation and Auditing

(MGT 218)

Organizational Behaviour

(MGT 219)





Damber Bahadur Hamal

Campus Chief

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