Blood Donation, Health Camp, Cleaning Campaign 2079
Date: 2079-03-03
We are proud to declare that Madan Bhandari Memorial college is going to commemorate its 21st Anniversary with various programs. Therefore, college would like to request entire students, faculty members, staff and well-wishers for your active participation in the following activities scheduled to be conducted in the college premises.
SN Date Time Program
1 2079-03-10 8:00 AM Blood Donation
2 2079-03-11 8:00 AM Health Camp (Eye Camp and Dental Checkup)
3 2079-03-12 7:00 AM Cleaning Campaign
Note: All interested students are advised to register their names at the college reception prior to the events like- Blood Donation, Health Camp, Cleaning Campaign.
Damber Bahadur Hamal
Campus Chief